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Willingdon Primary School


The East Sussex County Council Admissions Team is responsible for co-ordinating and allocating school places in East Sussex.

The governing bodies of voluntary aided schools, trust schools and academies also have a role to play in ranking applications against their own admissions criteria.

Once school places are finalised, the Admissions Team will send your school individual details of those children who will be starting in September. Every parent will receive an admissions form, which they will return direct to schools to confirm that they accept their child's place.

Primary Admissions Deadline for Reception Pupils

The deadline for applying for reception places for September 2024 is 15th January 2024.

Any parents/carers who are self-isolating, or have discontinued nursery attendance due to Covid-19 may be unaware of this deadline and the importance of applying for a school on time, particularly with so many schools only able to offer ‘virtual’ open evenings due to the restrictions required by their Covid risk assessments.

All schools have therefore asked to share the link below:

Starting school for the first time (4+)

The Admissions team can be contacted on 0300 330 9472 or admissions@eastsussex.gov.uk

For the latest admissions information follow this link to the ESCC website

We look forward to welcoming you to Willingdon Primary School.


admissons for website.pdf