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Willingdon Primary School

Religious Education

We value the importance of offering a range of relevant opportunities to support children to become respectful and tolerant citizens.  This will enable them to understand the responsibilities of modern culture when growing up in a contemporary society. Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures.

We use the agreed East Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education as the basis for our curriculum.


We wish our school to be inclusive community, but recognise that parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from religious education on the grounds of conscience. However, the right of withdrawal does not extend to other areas of the curriculum when, as may happen on occasion, spontaneous questions on religious matters are raised by pupils or there are issues related to religion that arise in other subjects such as history or citizenship.

re curriculum overview.pdf

re progression of knowledge and skills.pdf

Religious Education Knowledge Organisers


It will be noted that this creates a nurturing environment for a range of positive British and SMSC Values.

British Values

As a school we are actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
The children have a good understanding of the British Values through whole school assemblies and through our curriculum opportunities. Here are few examples of ways in which we explore British Values at Willingdon Primary:


  • Proposing and voting for members of the school council (KS2).
  • Regular pupil voice sessions for each curriculum area by Subject Leads so pupils’ views are heard, valued and acted upon.

The Rule of Law:

  • A clear and comprehensive behaviour policy agreed and contributed to by school staff.
  • Clear school values displayed in all classes which are regularly referenced by all school staff.
  • School assemblies and songs that highlight a different school value each term.
  • Core Value Day activities that highlight a different school value termly.
  • A clear house point reward system, Celebration Certificates and a weekly Celebration Assembly are used across the school.

Individual liberty:

  • A PSHE scheme which explores decisions and explaining choices.
  • Exploring Equality and Human Rights in assemblies, RE topics and class themes and PSHE units.
  • Mutual respect for all and celebration of each other’s individuality taught explicitly in PSHE and RE lessons but also expected and rewarded by the entire school staff.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance:

  • Clear and differentiated RE schemes of work that introduce the beliefs of religious and non-religious people in a rigorous but fun, cross-curricular programme.
  • A strong SMSC ethos which actively promotes and rewards respectful behaviour when learning about faiths and cultures different to a child’s own.
  • All staff model acceptance and valuing of all opinions, religious and non-religious and ensure all pupils and points of view are listened to respectfully.
  • Strong action from SLT in the face of any kind of bullying, including that of children who do not fit typical gender stereotypes.
  • Worry boxes or monsters in all classrooms so vulnerable children are identified and quickly supported.

Themes then continue to be developed throughout the school encouraging debates, along with references made to British Values in daily teaching.

Please see our guidelines for SMSC in the documents below:

smsc guidelines 2022.pdf


We work closely within our School Community with a number of charities and local organisations: