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Willingdon Primary School

Friends (PTA)

Friends of Willingdon

We are an active friends association, the committee organise regular family fun and fundraising events.

During the year we try to involve as many parents as possible and meet every month (on the last Friday of the month) to plan and organise forthcoming occasions such as Christmas and Easter Fairs, sponsored walks and school discos. We have lots of fun events planned for this year, including a cinema and quiz night.

The aim of the Friends is to raise funds to purchase items to enhance and fulfil the education of the pupils at our school. We have bought library books, P.E. equipment, outdoor toys, a trim trail and covered walkways. One of our most recent projects was to create a Sensory Garden with a teaching area and an Allotment to allow the children to grow and sell their own produce throughout the year!

We would love to hear from you. If you would like to help in any shape or form we can be contacted via e-mail at friends@willingdonprimary.co.uk or the Friends of Willingdon FaceBook page.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Kylie & the Friends Team

Events Information

Friends Information for Reception Parents and Carers

The Friends of Willingdon Committee


Recent Project & Events
