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Willingdon Primary School


A Rich and Diverse Range of Quality Texts

At Willingdon we believe books and quality texts are at the heart of all our learning. We take pride in ensuring the children have access and learning opportunities to a rich and diverse range of quality texts. These texts underpin the children’s development of language, reading and writing. As teachers we use them to plan exciting and informative reading and writing lessons and they also support other curriculum areas.

“The mind is like a ‘tardis’; it may seem small but inside there are many mansions. Each great book develops the imagination and equips the reader with language.” (Pie Corbett)

See below our list of quality texts for each year group and term. Our English curriculum is designed to ensure children are exposed and internalise a number of quality texts. By the end of Year 6 a Willingdon child would have been exposed to a minimum of 130 quality texts.


Please find below a list of useful English educational websites to aid your child's home learning in a fun and engaging way! 


Great learning website, has further suggested reading lists for all year groups.


Absolutely essential one-stop website for all your child’s reading requirements.


A website for filled with ideas for English teaching using visual resources such as film, animation, photographs and picture books.


List of literacy websites for 4-11 year old students, including games and activities and resources for teachers and parents.


Study guides and class clips.


Reading, writing, spelling, word grammar, sentence grammar, speaking and listening – children and adults


The Literacy section of this website is a treasure trove of fantastic resources covering all areas of English. Well worth a visit.
