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Willingdon Primary School

School Houses

Every child is part of a House Team:

Lewes, Pevensey, Bodiam or Hastings.

House Points are awarded to individual children for demonstrating the core values. This could be through the effort that they put into their class work or through their social interactions around the school.

These House Points are totalled up every week and shared in assembly. Weekly tokens are awarded to winning houses and these are exchanged as tokens which whole school reward for the end of the long term e.g. a movie with popcorn, a sports event or extra playtime. These rewards will be chosen by the School Council termly.

Points for this week (4th October 2024):

Pevensey Points
1st - 4 points
Hastings Points
2nd - 3 points
Lewes Points
3rd - 2 points
Bodiam Points
4th - 1 point

Total Points this term:

Pevensey Points
Hastings Points
Lewes Points
Bodiam Points

Total Points this year:

Pevensey Points
Hastings Points
Lewes Points
Bodiam Points